Thursday, March 17, 2022

Post production


The type of technology we used during the filming process was are phones and computers. We shot with our phones and edited on our school computer or computer at home. We didn't need anything but those two things.

Postproduction technologies

We decided to use WeVideo to edit our film after we had some issues with adobe pro. It was a lot easier using WeVideo to edit instead of adobe. We watched a video on how to use adobe but it was much easier and much more simple to use WeVideo so we used it instead.

For sound, we needed to add a voiceover that was non-diegetic of the main character's father. We also had sounds of a school bell, breathing, and stomping.

 We chose sci-fi for our film and sci-fi films are futuristic. Since our film genre is sci-fi the title would be a little futuristic like all the other sci-fi films.

 For our transitions, we mostly had used fad-outs at the end of shots. The rest was mostly just straight cuts of the film.

Individual editing

 This week me and my group had to individually edit our opening for our movie.


When editing my version of the opening i had many difficulties making the opening. I started by adding my media from my phone to the editing software we were using. Then started to put the videos together according to then script. After that was done i begin to trim parts of the clips to match our diegetic voice over. Once that was done i added some transitions and sound effects.

 Over all
 Overall editing the film wasn't that hard or easy to do but a lot had do be done like adding sound to the opening and our voice over of the main characters father to match the video.

Friday, March 4, 2022



 Technology used

The main technology we used were our phones because it was much more feasible to use compared to the other cameras we had. All we had to do was go to the camera app and click the record button. We did not consult any sources to learn how to use the equipment that we used


Filming for our opening wasn't that hard but we did have some obstacles that we had to over come. We had a certain area in the school which was the stairway that we wanted to film at for one of our scenes. It was just right for the scene but we were told by the school security that we weren't allowed to be at that specific stairway.

First Location

New location


When we filmed we had to reshoot several of our shots because of countless reasons. We didn't really have too many bloopers though.



Me along with my group decided when to film and created a schedule for the upcoming week to start filming.

For our filming time we had to pick what shots we wanted to film and when. We picked locations around the school that would fits the setting of the script. We also decided to film during class time within 30 minutes that is the available class time we have. We also created a calendar explaining what we are doing each day.